Debra Russell Coaching

What is Professional Development? And Why Do You Need It?

professional development

Why Invest in Professional Development for Yourself and Your Staff? Here’s the bottom line – the more you invest in yourself as a business owner, the stronger you will be as a business owner. Remember, Luck = Preparedness + Opportunity. The essence of business development IS becoming prepared.

13 Small But Powerful Ways To Become A Memorable Public Speaker

Not everyone can speak to a crowd. It requires the right temperament to not only handle that many eyes on you but to deliver a strong performance that can inspire action. You need to speak with clarity, offer unique (or at least concrete) advice, and create an inspired connection between you and your listeners. So […]

Mary Rachel Keville Testimonial

Syracuse University, Leadership Institute

“Most speakers who deliver lectures on leadership do just that – lecture. Debra embraced the theme of our Leadership Symposium by stepping out of that box; her entire presentation was instead founded on the ideas of her audience. In that way, her lessons became a truly engaging discussion on creativity, boldness, and confidence. Listening to […]