Debra Russell Coaching

Build Your Foundational Systems for Success

Foundations, business building

During the Pandemic, Debra Russell recommends working on your business. This means setting up your personal and business systems so that you are ready for growth. Will you be ready to take your business to the next level when the world comes off the Coronavirus pause?

What NOW?

fear, risk, covid-19

How to Move Forward During the COVID-19 Lockdown I have heard from so many of you about how COVID-19 has disrupted your businesses and your lives. For some, this is having a significant and severe impact on your livelihoods. And many of you are left scrambling and even more of you are feeling trapped in […]

What is Professional Development? And Why Do You Need It?

professional development

Why Invest in Professional Development for Yourself and Your Staff? Here’s the bottom line – the more you invest in yourself as a business owner, the stronger you will be as a business owner. Remember, Luck = Preparedness + Opportunity. The essence of business development IS becoming prepared.

Entrepreneurial Mindset vs. Employee Mindset

As a professional athlete in a team sport, you are an employee. The IRS classifies you as an employee. Your team, coaches, agent and manager, all think of you as an employee. And to them, you are. But I recommend, strongly, that you think of yourself as the Business Owner, and an Entrepreneur.  And you […]